I tried to only use these when I was on the go. I kept them in the car so I wouldn't snack on them just because. They are very dense in calories and sugars so they don't fill you up for long but they are packed with nutrients. It seems like lately when I leave the house I only plan on being gone for an hour or so but then that turns into 3-4 hours and I get hungry so having these were nice to hold me over until I could get some real food. Even in the book It Starts With Food they recommend you staying away from bars and smoothies that combine whole foods and make them into dense nutrients because then your brain can't fully process the calories you are intaking so keep that in mind when eating bars/ smoothies.
Turkey Epic Bar
There are 3 kinds of epic bars turkey, beef, and buffalo. The beef and buffalo have ingredients that don't work during the whole 30 but I have heard they are pretty amazing. I tired the Turkey and I really liked it even though it was really different! It was like having jerky and trail mix all mixed up into a bar. lol It filled me up for awhile so thats why I liked it so much. But again it is another bar so your brain can't register it properly so you don't feel as full as you would if you were to eat a handful of almonds and cranberries with a 2oz side of turkey. Also, these are pretty spendy at around $2.50-$3 a piece. For an active person or crossfitter doing a whole 30 though I could see them being the perfect post workout meal.
Trader Joe's Mixed Nuts
Nuts are one of the easiest snacks for on the go. Having healthy fats with you keeps you fuller longer during the whole 30. Trader Joe's has mostly all of their nuts in a dry roasted form now which is awesome. I chose the mixed nuts, cashews and macadamia nuts all in the salted and dry roasted variety. Not having salt on my nuts is a little too boring for me but it's just personal preference.
Made In Nature Dried Fruit
I found these gems at the commissary, which I was blown away by! They have no sulfates added to them, they are just tree ripened/dried. Also, they are organic so you can't go wrong with them! They are a little spendy as well at $3.99 a bag but they were perfect for after my workouts. I would have 2-3 pieces and that would satisfy me. I also ate them if I was craving something sweet and they always did the trick.
Most people say sardines are absolutely disgusting but I feel the complete opposite… I ate a can a day through my whole, whole 30. They are full of omega3s, calcium and protein. You can't go wrong with this snack. I tried many brands and by far my favorite was wild planet! They were also the most expensive at $2.69 a piece. Most of the time I ate King Oscar brand ($1.69) or chicken of the sea ($1.00) just to save the money. I also tired trader joe's smoked sardines which were super good! My advice, take the dive and try some sardines, I promise it won't kill you!
Coconut Aminos
I used this to add flavor to a lot of my foods when I was feeling they were pretty bland. I made stir fry, cauliflower fried rice, and shepards pie with it and they all turned out amazing.
Bubbies Pickles and Sauerkraut
These are amazing!! They are fermented and full of healthy probiotics which is great for your system. I would eat the sauerkraut with eggs or my sardines. The pickles I would just have as a snack here and there. I liked them mostly just because they helped me increase my probiotic intake which I think is very important to optimal health. A healthy gut is a happy gut!!
All of these things made me a happy camper during my whole 30! I hope these things help you get through your own whole 30!
I'm also not able to go without a snack. I'm super active and my performance in the gym would be seriously impacted if I didn't eat...not to mention my family might fear for their lives! Hangry and me are not a pretty combo.