These are the questions she had for me!
1) Why did you start blogging?
Truthfully, I finished school and didn't have anything to do with my free time, then I found out I was pregnant so I figured since so many life changes are happening I might as well add a blog to the list! Sometimes I feel like I have some good info to share as well! lol
2) If you had a super power, what would it be and why?
I would say teleport? Is that a super power? It would be so nice just to wake up in the morning and go to the beach without the traffic! lol
3) What would you do if you won one million dollars?
I would buy land back in Montana and build a dream home on it, then I would save the rest :)
4) What is your favorite type of music?
Country for sure... I can't help myself!
5) What is your favorite food?
Anything coconut... coconut butter being at the top of the list!
6) What is your favorite quote, and why?
"good is not enough if better is possible." It always reminds me to keep pushing and doing my best at all things versus just getting things done...
7) What is your most prized possession?
This is really a hard one... I would have to say my star sapphire ring that was my great grandma's. It has been passed down for many years and I absolutely love it.
8) Describe your personal style in three words.
Fitness Hippy Chick? Im either always in workout clothes or tie dye with my toms on.
9) What is your biggest challenge?
Staying committed. I always have big plans but most of the time I don't stick with them because I would rather not try then fail at them. One of my New Years resolutions was to be better about it and so far I have made some pretty big leaps and bounds towards that goal!
10) If you could invite three people to dinner, who would they be and why?
wow... hardest question in the world...
First off, Dana Lynn Bailey, because I love her, she is so committed to what she does and seems to have the more caring personality. Plus I would want to pick her brain about how she looks so good and stays on track!
Next, Paleomg... She is just amazing, her and her frenchie, I would love to just sit down with her and hang out with her and her good style!
Lastly, to please my crunchy side, Ina May Gibson, she is my hero, her books are amazing and her wisdom about the female body is amazing.
Wow... This turned out to be an interesting bunch. I like it! If I could have someone that has already passed though, Weston A Price would be my first pick for sure!
These are the blogs I'm going to nominate:
** Most of these people aren't very active on their blog but are really active on Instagram... they are mostly all new mommies and amazing motivating people!!**
Megan To Momma
Homegrown Paleo
Hungry Fitness
Healthy Ashley
All Natural Mom
Natural Mommyhood
Fit To Be Pregnant
Questions for my nominees:
1.)What motivates you to live the life you live?
2.)Why did you start your blog?
3.)If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
4.)Whats your favorite color and why?
5.)What is your life motto and why?
6.) If you could hang out with one person (dead or alive) for 24hrs who would it be and why?
7.) What is your favorite meal?
8.) How do you stay active and why does it work for you?
9.) What's something you just can't live without?
10.) What is your favorite book?
I hope you guys have fun with it!! :)
2.)Why did you start your blog?
3.)If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
4.)Whats your favorite color and why?
5.)What is your life motto and why?
6.) If you could hang out with one person (dead or alive) for 24hrs who would it be and why?
7.) What is your favorite meal?
8.) How do you stay active and why does it work for you?
9.) What's something you just can't live without?
10.) What is your favorite book?
I hope you guys have fun with it!! :)
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