August 1, 2014

Busy Summer Time...

So I have come to the conclusion that I'm not very good at keeping up with this blog thing. Most of the time I feel like I don't have much to say. I mean I make kombucha, ferment foods, cloth diaper, buy local foods, and all in all am a pretty crunchy mama. There are so many like me out there so most of the time I don't share what I do daily.

I decided Im going to change my outlook though, who cares if others write about the same things I do. I am doing this for me and doing what I love.

So hopefully this post will lead to something new.

As of right now, I'm loving summer. I workout with a wonderful group of ladies here locally so no need for a gym. I have pushed myself to start trail running and so far I'm loving it! I have been eating local (besides chicken) which makes me so proud. Farmers markets are my favorite things and summer leads to so many good markets. I also bought a sewing machine and I'm determined to make some awesome things with it, so watch out!!

I will catch you all up here soon. This weekend I will dedicate some time to this lonely blog. I will tell you about my kombucha brewing success, how to buy local and keep it cheap, in 10 days my first batch of fermented vegetables will be ready so I will share about those as well.

Here we go!!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading your blog for all the crunchy-mama reasons you listed above. I agree- it doesn't matter if other people are doing it. YOU are, and you have a story to tell. I love what you're doing and would love to read more. (No pressure intended, though, of course.)
